¡Todos a Comer! A Mexican Alphabet Book – A Hit at Local Schools!

¡Todos A Comer! A Mexican Alphabet Book debuted January 28, 2017 at the RT Garcia Early Childhood Conference in Houston, and in three months we sold out of the first print run of 1,000 books. Our second printing has just arrived, and we are so excited to continue to share this wonderful book with others.
As a matter of principle, we continue to provide examination copies to school districts and departments who may be interested in the book. Just let us know by sending us an Email.
If there is anyone who may be interested in donating books to a certain school or class, we also have that option available at school price and tax exempt. Feel free to Contact Us. We want to reach out to as many students as possible.
We greatly appreciate your vote of confidence in our work and your support is our motivation to go to work this summer to finish the second book in the series to be titled ¡Todos a Celebrar! – A Hispanic Customs & Traditions Alphabet Book.
Once again, we hope to meet your expectations, and we look forward to continuing our mission of “Meeting the Biliteracy Challenges of the Hispanic Learner.”
¡Mil Gracias!